08 May 2012

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best herbs to help regulate the menstrual cycle. In Ayurveda aloe is called kumari which means 'the maiden'. Aloe is excellent for relieving the excess menstrual flow and pain associated with menses. Aloe soothes and heals the whole body and is effective for relieving stomach acid and for cooling pitta in the liver, blood and eyes. You may apply the fresh gel externally on skin rashes, burns, inflammations and insect bites.

Try to get organic aloe vera without preservatives, citric acid or ascorbic acid because they increase pitta dosha. You many take up to  30 ml a day in two doses of 15 ml. Work up to this amount gradually if you have not take it before. If you are taking too much your stools may become loose.