04 October 2009

Shatarvari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

This is the Indian species of Asparagus. It is used as a Rasayana (rejuvenative) remedy in Ayurveda. It is a tonic, especially for women. Promotes fertility and reduces menopausal symptoms. Shatavari may also be used for dry coughs and to heal or prevent gastric ulcers, this is due to its guru (heavy) and snigdha (oily) properties.

Its taste (rasa) is sweet and bitter. It is a nutritive tonic for the brain. Its property of balya (strength) gives strength to vata imbalances and weakness. It is also soothing when used as a diuretic. Research indicates Shatavari promotes cellular regenerations, enhances the immune function and increases corticosteroid production. .

03 October 2009

Turnips and Turnip Greens

As autumn starts and the nights close in I shall post a selection of warming seasonal fruit and vegetables.
Turnips are first on the list!! They are root vegetables that were once a staple diet before the arrival of potatoes. They are rich in phytochemicals that can help protect our bodies against chronic disease. Less starch than potatoes they are slightly pungent. This makes them ideal for Kapha constitution.turnip greens are ideal for Vata and Pitta constitution should avoid unless eaten with other cooling foods or on extremely cold windy days. Ideal for soups and stews. Here is an Indian recipe to make them as a sabji (vegetable) to be eaten with rice or chapati.

MASALA SHALGAM (Turnip Masala)

• ½ kg turnips, peeled and cut into small pieces
• 1 tablespoon Oil (olive oil or sesame seed oil)
• 2 Onions, finely chopped
• 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
• 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
• 1 teaspoon Ginger, garlic paste
• ½ teaspoon Coriander powder
• 1 teaspoon Cumin powder
• ½ teaspoon Chilli powder
• Yoghurt 120 ml
• Coarse sea salt to taste

Heat the oil. Add the mustard seeds and cumin seeds, wait until the pop. Then add the ginger and garlic paste and the onions, cook on high for 3 minutes. Pitta types avoid the mustard seeds and reduce the ginger garlic past to half a teaspoon.
Add the rest of the ingredients except the yoghurt and cover for 3 more minutes
Add the yoghurt and one tablespoon of water
Cook on a medium heat for 12 minutes until the turnip is well cooked
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve